Domain & Hosting

Interested in starting your own business? Why not reserve your website name today before someone takes it!

Bluehost is one of the largest website hosting providers that makes it easy to get started. They have secure and reliable hosting services.

Namecheap offers inexpensive domains so you can lock down that special website you've been dreaming about while you wait to launch.

Search below and see if your website name is available now!



Website Builder

Have I mentioned that I love SHOWIT?  There is no coding to learn and you can quickly build or update a page without a website developer. It's how I created this website!  The ease of "drag and drop" allowed me to have total control of my design and customize every part of my website! Showit also integrates with Wordpress for double the power and freedom to create what you need!

I also have enjoyed using Divi Themes and I still use it for my other websites. This isn't just another Wordpress theme, it provides a complete design framework with templates to allow you to create webpages for as many websites you own.


Divi Themes



Business Software

I use Adobe Creative Cloud to design EVERYTHING! I'm a teacher so it is very helpful to have a software that can extend more ways to be creative. If you are a student or a teacher, you can get 60% off your subscription service. Everything is included to help you get started on designing and creating your next awesome project. Plus, they also provide 100GB of cloud storage. Check out their plans and see what works for you. You may be interested in their trial offer first before making a big commitment.

Dropbox is only one of the ways I can store files, transfer or share my work with others. It allows me to keep my files safe and accessible while I travel too.

I am just starting to use Honey book starting April 2021 and loving it! It has made me keep my paperwork together and consistent. I can create a unique experience with the workflow of documents necessary to get the project started! I'm excited to learn what else I can do as I am testing out the possiblities!



Design Deals

Looking for assets for your next project? Check out these websites!

For starters, Envato Market has a variety of great products at an affordable price! Also, it's great to search for inspiration. There are student discounts available as well.

Trying to open an online store? Placeit has many template mockups to position your creations for apparel, stationary and more. Get creating today and make money tomorrow!


Envato Elements

Design Cuts

Inky deals

Envato Market

Tutorial Classes

I LOVE learning..... basically ANYTHING, especially ways to grow my business. Sometimes I get stuck on my ideas and I don't know how to do something. I am BIG on research and DIY-ing so I like to educate myself with videography, photography, business, marketing, audio software,.... yeah, I can go on and on! I'd rather be in a class than watch Netflix. I would be multi-tasking at my desk working on my projects, while learning something and sometimes even listening to music in the background. You could say I'm not from this planet.

If you check out Creative Live, you will find a tab called "On Air Now" and you can watch classes for FREE! But you'll have to watch it on that date because then it goes back for sale. There are promotions throughout the year. Also, there are classes for a one time purchase, as well as, a subscription, just like Skillshare.


Creative Live

Get 40% off


Online or offline, you are going to need a printer. Depending on your client's budget, these are just a couple of options you could start with.  You will want to order a Sample Kit from each printer you are interested in working with, because you want to check out their work, print job and options. 

The Sample Kit does not require you to enter your credit card info or purchase anything. It is just their way to share what they do as a Freebie so you can eventually trust them with your project.





Still searching for assets?

Check out Creative Market FULL of great quality goods,... even FREE goods every week! If I am looking for type fonts, this is where I go first to search! There is so much inspiration to go through, you may even end up adding more items in your cart! Be aware for shining offer syndrome! It's like walking into Michael's! 

Creative Market

knowledge is power

Build your library

* Some of the links above may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive compensation just for sharing, but it doesn't cost you anything to check them out yourself. Personally, I'll only share tools and resources that I believe have helped me during my business journey.

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Business Prime

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I earn rewards each time I use my card for my business and I was able to purchase a print machine with the $125 Amazon Gift Card which was exciting!